Tuesday 10 September 2024


 My Caterham has been to the dyno and it's good news all around. The replacement lambda sensor is working correctly, and it's fuelling correctly.

Everybody is very pleased with the engine rebuild, and it's making more power than the advertised power when it was new.

In the top graph the blue line is power, the red line is torque. the bottom graph is air:fuel ratio. What's interesting is that it's enriched at low revs. This is probably to make it easier to drive in traffic, but it might be a childish ploy to make it pop and burble on the overrun so it sounds like a racing car. Or something to do with the way they're tuned the variable valve timing.

They think the most important bits of the process were skimming the head for slightly increased compression, 3 angle valve seats, and careful valve grinding.

Richard "chef's kiss" B

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